The Corellian Thunder served the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War, assigned to the Trax Sector Force. The gunship could store 300 metric tons of cargo aboard, and had enough room to stow eight months worth of consumables. Capable of achieving speeds of 1,000 kilometers an hour in atmosphere, the Corellian Thunder also had a Class 2 hyperdrive for faster-than-light travel with a slower Class 16 unit as a backup.
The gunship was equipped with a navigation computer, sensor package and deflector shields. Measuring 120 meters from stem to stern, the Corellian Thunder was a well armed anti- starfighter warship, boasting eight double turbolaser cannons and four concussion missile launchers for capital ship combat, and six quad laser cannons for starfighter defense. The Corellian Thunder was a DP20 frigate -commonly referred to as a 'Corellian gunship'-manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation.